Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Reprieve from the clouds

Well, lots to say. First of all, it totally was the weather getting me down. My good friend the sun is back in the sky, reminding me that I am not trapped under a sphere of clouds and therefore can breathe and have high thoughts. Clouds make me claustrophic when they linger for days like that... sheeesh. I literally ran to the window and said hello when my friend came back this morning. I would be the most depressed maniac if I had to live in a sunless wasteland.

Next, I had a great workout today with Malak. I even did push-ups on the ball! Me!! Push-ups! On the ball! Yes, it's true. She called me her good luck charm since I was her first client to train. Sweet. That made me very happy and motivated me to do really well. I may be pretty bad at lots of exercises but I am making significant progress, so yay for that.

Next, I'm at Panera, where it was extremely loud even until 2:30pm but now it's calming down a tiny bit. Cool it, you carb-lovers!

I am getting closer to getting work done, amazingly, but I did just spend the last 20 minutes adding myself to various groups on Facebook. Good times.

My biggest piece of work motivation came today when I got proofs of the possible designs of my new business cards, letterhead, and envelopes. Sweet ! Money ! I love them. It made me feel 10 times more professional just looking at them. Totally worth the investment. Though the printing of these fine materials is not going to be cheap.

I am feeling good. Things are OK. Woohoo!

PS. Oh! Julia... about PostSecret. You got me interested so last night I went to Borders and read the book from cover to cover (yes, I am so smart. lol). It is really, really good. It makes you sad and then happy at the same time. You feel people's pain. About three or four times, I had to hold back tears. Kind of how all the skin under and around your eyes gets tingly, you know... but then when I was done, I just felt so normal. Everyone has stuff that they're holding down, holding inside, wrestling with, fighting off, or trying to make happen. I feel so human. I love it. I only wish I had thought of the idea for that art project!

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