Thursday, December 08, 2005

No access/monitoring for Red Cross

US Blocks ICRC Access to Suspects


The ICRC wants access to all foreign terror suspects held by the US "in undisclosed locations".

"The dialogue continues on the question. We would like to obtain information and access to them," ICRC spokesman Florian Westphal said on Thursday.

Human rights groups say there is no way of knowing whether detainees being held in secret are being tortured.

On her visit to Europe, Condoleezza Rice has repeatedly denied that the US tortures prisoners.

Condie. Come on now. Is she being duped into defending America or does she know the lies she is speaking? My... goodness! Words are pretty meaningless, as this article shows. We don't want to hear anymore that the US does not torture. Ughhhhh. I can't take these articles coming out day after day after day.

America is going down a very dangerous path. It mostly just makes me very sad and worried.

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