Thursday, December 01, 2005

Horses and other farm creatures

I decided to take a walk today around my apartment building area. I only had to go one block north to find that WE LIVE BY A FARM!! There is a huge green hill with horses, and calves, I think, but they have such long ears that they look like goats. Do goats have long ears? Haven't figured it out yet. Lucky for you, tomorrow morning I'm going back with my camera and you will see everything I am talking about.

I feel like I live in the country, kinda, and I LOVE IT! Woohoo. I mean we don't really, but to have that so close by? Can ya tell I'm done with big city life for a couple years or so?!

The horses picked their heads up and looked at me when I walked by. That was cute. You gotta wonder what's going on inside their horsey little heads.

You know how when you haven't exercised for awhile, you have all this pent up energy? Well, I haven't exercised for awhile, and that's what I had. So I started running. I mean I didn't really go that far, but I was run-ning. lol It was to the point that when I stopped, my legs kinda kept going because of the natural momentum. So now I'm really sore, or maybe will be tomorrow. The sun is setting... time for my shower. Hah!

Tonight I WILL, must, definitely come up with my December goals. No... more... excuses!

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