Saturday, December 24, 2005


I have taken up drawing. I always wanted to be able to draw portraits, but thought you had to be born with this amazing natural talent. Well I talked to Curt, my artist friend, and he said you can learn it by practicing just like you learn anything else by practice. It's the same thing I keep reading in my drawing book and tutorials online, too. I'm excited! However, I do need this certain sort of tool... a tortillian, I believe it's called. It's a paper cone that you use for shading and blending. I am currently on the grid method which was very successful for me one time in 7th grade. lol But this time I hope to graduate to the non-grid method (free hand!).

Anyway, so it's Christmas Eve. I am glad it's Christmas but seeing as there are no children in our family right now, there is not much magic in Christmas either. I guess it's not about magic but that's the part that gets you excited. At least for me. My parents are going out to do some last minute shopping. I'm gonna take a shower, wrap my presents, and help my Dad set up his new laptop... I think we might go to mass tonight. We usually go to midnight mass but we're all feeling a little too tired for that. Well, actually just me and Mike! And Jess, too, I'm sure. Midnight seems a little arbitrary when it is 8pm and you have to wait 4 hours for no good reason. Although I do like the church in the darkness and the lighting of candles and just... yeah, midnight mass is really pretty and sacred. But I don't know that it's worth feeling trashed on Christmas morning!

This vacation time is going sooooooo faaaaaaast. Argh!

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