Saturday, December 24, 2005

Children's books

I admit I'm sort of all-talk and no results when it comes to writing lately, however I have thought of several children's book story ideas. Hopefully these will actually come to fruition. Tell me what you think.

- Shrinking Sheila - inspired by our elderly friend Sheila who really is shrinking in her old age. She is also an inspiringly positive and upbeat old person. This book would explain aging to children in a lighthearted way.

- The Christmas Tree Farm - Personified Christmas trees as they prepare to leave their farm during the holidays. I anticipate this one will be made into a pixar animation. :) Heh.

And my newest idea which was born in my head less than one hour ago...

- Tis the Season and Twas the Night - Winter and nighttime personified in an original Christmas story! lol Tis meet Twas. Both charming enough to have inspired poetry (one a song and another a story).

So, be on the lookout for these and other groundbreaking children's books from soon-to-be-author me...

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