Sunday, April 02, 2006


It is crazy hot in North Carolina!

What concerns me is not so much the actual heat, but the fact that I seem to be the only person that feels this way.

I just discovered Pullen Park, which is downtown near NC State. I went down there today with a blanket, some music, and a book, all intended to induce a state of chill and a slight riiiiiiiiiise in melatonin. There were so many couples, children, picnic lunches, footballs, strollers, and on and on. What was especially cute is one whole park shelter was full of families (I think the requirement must have been to bring at least one young, happy child per adult.) I wasn't exactly sure what they were doing but it involved balloons and Easter baskets. So I'm lying on this hill reading my book, when something white and furry starts moving in my periphery... Yes, the Easter Bunny walked over the hill.

The children lost it.

They were soooo happy. It was a mass movement to run and embrace this lovable, if not scary, man-sized Easter bunny. Very cute and made me smile. I even tried to take a cameraphone picture but it was too far away... sorry.

Anyway, my whole point with this story is that tons of people at the park were in jeans and sneakers (and t-shirts lol). I was in a skirt, a tank top, and flip flops (we're talking maximum circulation) and STILL dying!!

I am afraid that I may have moved way too far south. The summer is going to be rough.

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