Sunday, April 30, 2006

Darfur - What more can be said?

Today thousands rallied in Washington DC to end the genocide in Darfur, Sudan - Thousands Gather in DC at Rally for Darfur

What I don't understand is how much more speaking up it will take for our elected and international leaders to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten to raise awareness on the murders (over 200,000 people killed so far), displacements (over 2,000,000 so far), and rapes. I can't tell you how many newspaper articles I've seen. And yet the genocide continues.

WHAT MORE CAN WE DO? COME ON, LEADERS. Lead for once, damnit! Does no one feel pressed to make this a priority? What are the roadblocks to sending a multinational peacekeeping force? I know that negotiations are underway... I know it is a very, very difficult and complex process. But I'm just extremely frustrated with this whole thing. Leaders should be representing the people, and the people want effective action NOW.


Jasmin said...

Thanks for keeping me aware. (I don't know if this is going to sound naive or ignorant, but I'd thought that genocide was on a decline in the Sudan)

Jenny said...

I can understand why you'd think that... this issue has been in the spotlight so long that it's pretty unfathomable that so little progress is being made to end it. I don't know... maybe it's somehow getting better... but I just typed in "Darfur" on Google News and one of the top things that comes up is a story published 4 hours ago that says "Violence against Darfur women worsens."

I think things are only getting worse. :(

I also found this article, Scream for Darfur, which is extremely interesting. I didn't realize Muslims were being so silent on Darfur, as a whole. Geeeeeesh.