Thursday, October 27, 2005


Stretching is my favorite part of exercising. After going for a walk or a jog or doing whatever, you know how your muscles are all scrunched up and tight? When I stretch, I imagine the muscle.. okay.. stretching out.. is there another word I can use? lol Expanding.. little by little.. and it seems to me, at least in my mind, that as the molecules are pulled apart, one by one (actually billions by billions), that these little sparks are unleashed. Little bursts of light and energy released into my bloodstream. Hence feeling so good right after stretching. :)

I'd like to see the science behind this, as far as the releasing of bursts of happy chemicals. Let me know if you find it online. I guess it could be something as simple as endorphins, but what I am saying is something specifically released from a muscle as it stretches. Okay.. so.. yeah.

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