Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Self diagnosis


-fatigue, all the time
-dizziness, vertigo (diagnosed by a doctor as labrynthitis, virus-caused)
-painful, concentrated headache
-back and neck pain
-spastic right eye. lol
-sometimes stuffed up, sinuses? allergies?
-hot flashes, or at least it feels like that

Causes I've Brainstormed:

-running (pushing myself too hard... but now i've stopped that)
-stress (mostly work related but also personal)
-heat and humidity induced
-misalignment (chiro visit took care of the sharp back pain)
-uhh.. what's that one where you're tired all the time? oh, mono.

Whatever I'm going through, it really sucks, and I hope it is over soon. I take my good health so for granted, and now that it's wavering so much, I just feel really sad that I can't do everything I want to. I have no energy, which is totally unlike me. Arrrr! I want my energy back, and balance, and everything else... :(

I guess I need to go to the doctor again. Maybe I'm onto something with the mono. Has anyone I know ever had that? Would I know if I had that? Hey I just looked it up on WebMD and swollen throat is definitely something I've had too, especially when I was in Denver, I could hardly swallow. Not to mention being emotional and easily moved to anger. Not that that's on there, I just keep thinking of things... Everything is out of whack which is scary and just, not right.

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