Friday, August 26, 2005

Ridiculous, arrogant, and embarassing

Hmmm... if I were the United States' newly-appointed ambassador to the UN... wait, I take that back, I wasn't really appointed per se, at least not in a kosher way... the President put me into power behind the backs of Congress while they were on recess... because everyone hates me and knows I said I hate the UN... then about a month before the largest meeting of world leaders EVER takes place to make big strides toward positive change in the world, I would instead propose that we:
  • strike our promise to reduce poverty (specifically to cut extreme poverty by half, ensure universal primary education, and stem the AIDS pandemic, all by 2015)
  • delete our goal for rich nations to give 0.7 GDP in development assistance to struggling countries (still a dismally low percentage - but we'd rather give around 0.3 percent which, porportionate to the wealth of our nation, ranks us as DEAD LAST in giving to poor countries)
  • revoke support for treaties that limit the develop of nuclear weapons
  • swear off any involvement with treaties that protect the natural environment
  • instead focus all attention on combatting terrorism, even though poverty, hopelessness, and the belligerency of the United States are probably the 3 main causes of terrorism
  • and by these actions: stall all progress, uproot all positive momentum, and throw the good work of the UN into disarray because I speak for the US, we're rich, we have a psychotically large military force, and we can.
I'm not making this up:
Bolton: US Sets Sights on UN Reform (AP)
US Wants Changes in UN Agreement (Washington Post)

This is just sick. John Bolton does NOT speak for America, and should not be our ambassador to the United Nations. I do agree with the reforms concerning human rights, and the overall need to reform the UN, but not at this cost. How many more times, in how many more arenas, on how many more issues will the United States alienate all other nations? It is because of arrogance like this that I firmly believe we are less safe everday, not more.

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