Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I think it is too depressing have my self-diagnosis and list of sicknesses at the top of the page. So I am going to replace it with something sunnier... Florida! I'm going tomorrow night to visit my old yet new friends Dan and Nicole in Jacksonville. I get in way late, but hey, you have to make ze most of ze time zat you have. I have no idea what we're going to do but the only thing I for sure want to get in is lots of talking and catching up. Sigh. Hey I just got my magazine in the mail so I have good reading material... Glamour. hahaha. Yes, quality reading material! That's right.

I had a funny conversation with my brother tonight. I was in CVS looking for a card and he kinda held me hostage there for 31 minutes because I cannot talk and do something (especially something like look for a card) at the same time. In any case he hadn't heard of all the going-ons in my life so to say it all in one breath sort of gave him heart failure. That was funny. He also told me this story of how his best friend, who is not financially stable, went out and bought a bicycle for $750. Crazy. Yellow (not pretty) and heavy, too! When you pay that much for a bike, it should weigh about as much as a feather in my opinion. But anyway the thing was, my brother accidentally backed over the bike with his truck. Poor bro. As a good best friend, he's going to give him the money. That is just crazy. I mean he was going on and on about why the heck did you get a bike and spend that much money (a $100 or $200 bike, he said, "i would have been fantastically happy with!") and then he goes and destroys it. ah. such is life. i was impressed with his paying back though, and said that kind of thing comes back around at ya. not ascribing to karma here (well maybe i am). it just, it is good to be good to people. not good at the time, but uhh, at least you have a good feeling (except being out $ 7 5 0! yikes).

peace out. i'm tired.

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