Saturday, August 13, 2005

Oh, to be a synaesthete!

1.) The definition of Synaesthesia.

2.) I have come to the point of desperately needing a Wikipedia toolbar. I go there way too much and it would save a step. Is this the epitome of tech laziness?

3.) I'm at Panera and it's about to close, but in any case there's a man and a woman next to me. And the man keeps getting up to get stuff, and the woman continues not only talking but wildly laughing at what she is saying when her friend is away from the table. It makes no sense whatsoever. One more piece of evidence in my monstrous pile for the hypothesis, "The DC area has an exceptionally disproportionate number of people that talk to themselves." Special thanks to Susan for helping me realize this truth back in 2002. Ha.

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