Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesday morning rambling

So I got this $20 gift certificate for Barnes and Noble which is awesome, and I went there last night to go on a shopping spree. However, I quickly realized that B&N doesn't exactly sell at market value. Have they heard of half.com ?! Clearly not, or else they're pretending they haven't. Well, I realized that to the extent I was willing to delay my gratification a few days or a week, I could have the same CD or book for literally half the price - go figure! But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the gift certificate... No, indeed, there are things that you really can't find marked down at half.com because they're still in demand. So I can use it, I just have to figure out for what. I could be making this too hard but now it's like a game to find out what I want that isn't available at half-price online.

Anyway... I'd really like to get this freelance writing thing started. I reaaaaally would. It's just that when I have time, I am too tired of the internet (and tired generally) to take the next step which is getting a website. Anyone know of the best and cheapest place to host a site? Tell me because just the thought of checking out all the possibilities overwhelms me. I also think whoever took jfcreative.com should be shot or at least slapped silly because they are not even using that domain and yet it's taken. Not cool at all. It just takes so much time and effort to start a business (like I'm the expert - ha) when you have another full-time job... even if I slack a lot at the full-time job, and trust me, I do... it's still hard to set aside enough time to develop everything you need to launch. Well, I'm also reading that you should have saved enough money to live on for 6-12 months before you quit your job to pursue your own business full-time, so uhh.. let's see.. I have to save about 6x more than I have. Yikes. I'm a bad saver because I'm more of a seize-the-day kind of spender. I tell myself it is helping the American and global economies but really it's just that I want new clothes. lol So American... arrr...

Well, in the meantime it's Tuesday morning and things are in a pretty good rhythm. I'm eating zante currants which are tiny, tangy raisin-like things. I was trying to find a picture because I'm obsessed with blog photos now, but can't find one online. However in the process I did find a lot out about the european grapes that they come from in Corinth, which is in or on Zante, apparentely. See? More than you needed to know.

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