Thursday, July 21, 2005

Things break down, people fall apart

I found out last night that my dog Tommy is not doing well at all. :( He has really been going downhill, and my parents said when they saw him upon coming home from vacation, their hearts broke. He has no energy and can barely walk. He has to go down the stairs of our back deck to go to the bathroom, and apparently they have to carry him down there now. My mom even cried, which is crazy, because she is always the one who never liked him that much. (Well, she did, she loves him, but she at least pretended like she wasn't crazy about having our hyper little puppy around.) And she said it's really hard on my Dad... that he is considering if Tommy should be put to sleep, and really struggling with all of that. And today's my Dad's birthday too...

What's strange is I feel kind of numb about it all, and I'm not sure why. A month or two ago when he wasn't doing well, the thought made me cry and I could barely stand to listen to anyone say he wasn't doing well. I love my dog so much. :( But now, hearing all this, I'm just like ahhh, he is old. It could be that I've gotten used to the idea. I don't know. But the thought that when I go home for my brother's wedding in a month, he may not be there...? It is such a sad thought.

In other news my great aunt is in the hospital not doing well at all (giving up on life, it sounds like... she is 96 i believe so she's had a long life!) and my friend's step-father is considering suicide. It's a strange week.

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