Saturday, July 16, 2005

College connections, global fla

Just spent the last 2 hours talking to my friend Jen, who is back in the US for a few weeks on her first break since joining the Peace Corps in Turkmenistan! Whoa!! That's next to Iran. (You can fly there if you download, special props to Kyle for the link!)

Anyways that was wildly fun and entertaining!! And then we conferenced in Elicia, our third friend from freshman year of college. And tiiiime, goes byyy.. so slowly... no wait! I was actually trying to think of a song that says life goes by so FAST! Oh yeah, here we go, Keith Urban - days go by! I can feel 'em flying like a hand out the window as the cars go by... it's all about living, so you better start living right now!

All right! I'm a little hyper! It's 12:30am! AHHH! Must go to bed.

It's just amazing to think how 3 people can be together in a room in a certain time in their lives, and form a friendship that's strong, and then they can be taken away and sent to totally opposite ends of the earth for months or years, but still come back together and talk like time hasn't passed that much. I don't know. The whole idea of that kind of blows me away.

Since I also had to pass multiple hours of time on acell phone talking because our electricity went out in a storm and I had no other human entertainment and am just that technology-dependent that I was predisposed to do so, means that I am now a good case study of the harmful effects of cell phone radiation. Ahhhhhh!

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