So I went to this coffee shop downtown. It's a really hot day, and I sat outside with my computer and some papers, starting to put in some hours on a particular project. I got an iced chai and a mediterranean plate of food. The iced chai was soo white and milky and good. Oh my gosh. I was in heaven. However, there was a slight breeze, so I moved the drink to sit between my arms and the laptop so it wouldn't spill. By the way, let it be known that I am a lid person and really wanted a lid but they didn't seem to have any. Well, somehow a few minutes later, I knocked the freakin drink everywhere! White skirt... covered in chai. Table... covered in chai. COMPUTER - YES, COVERED IN CHAI!
I was momentarily embarassed and then just got to cleaning it up. When that was all done, I realized that my computer was no longer recognizing the keyboard. Doh! So, since everything else seemed to be working fine, I restarted my computer...
Okay now I have to tell you that my computer is STILL spazzing out as I type this. It is demon possessed at this point. But back to the story...
So I restarted and yet, I couldn't. Nothing. Nada. No green light. To make a long story short, it was totally kaput, and I called several computer repair places, and panicked as I thought about all the work I've done recently that I hadn't been backed up yet, and all my programs and files, and.... ahhhhhhhhh! Just a horrible thought.
Well I had my gym clothes with me so I still went to the gym. What was I gonna do - go home and cry? I set my laptop in my (hot) trunk propped up like an A to see if the liquid would dry. That was my Dad's idea... he's brilliant. haha.
Came home several hours later. Plugged in the laptop. Prayed. Prayed. Prayed.
IT'S WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a huge miracle. Seriously. I am so relieved. Thank you GOD.
And finally, in random news, I wanted to tell you all, whoever you are, that I had a cool dream last night. I have this huge lion picture as my background. Here it is below. And last night, this lion made it into my dreams. I was sort of playing with him, and I was fearful yet I liked him. And he kept biting my right arm... not hurting me really, but he had a toothy grip on my right arm. And I think my friends or family were trying to help me by convincing him to let me go. Anyway, I just thought it was a cool dream. A little Aslanic if you know what I mean. A little Jenny meets Jacob and the angel wrestling. Aww yeah :) Let's have more of those symbolic dreams.

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