My desk is sorta covered in papers... ooh let's take a picture! YEAH for being functionally ADD. I'm about to clean it.
Anyway, this isn't a post about my desk or my papers. It's a post about gratitude. Yep. I'm grateful. Today I feel like recognizing and saying that this is real life... this is the life that happens when you're busy making other plans. And while we prepare for some saints to visit this weekend, and while I make a list prioritizing my work projects, and while I go grocery shopping (doh! the bags are still sitting on the counter! I need to put the cold stuff away)... While my mind is absolutely consumed with intricate details and tiny anxieties, the truth is that I am a grateful girl today. Content, if I will just stop long enough to admit it.
Today I was at a meeting with two ladies I'm doing a project for. (Ending preposition. Dang why does my blog writing suck so much when I'm supposed to be a professional writer? lol This is uncensored me.) Anyway, the meeting went well, which I feel great about. And then I was thinking how these two ladies are pretty much heaven-sent because they're wonderful to work with, especially as my first clients in my new capacity. I really do feel like God made that happen. Not to be too weird but it's true okay?! He gave me exactly who I needed. The timing was beautiful, too.
And then I was thinking how church life here in Raleigh, even the tiny hints and beginnings of church life which is really all that we have and all that we are right now (nothing full-fledged yet), church life here is another big slap of grace in my life. How I just came into these friendships which are actually family-ships... uhh.. brothers and sisters... people who know me not just for me, but for Christ in me and me in Christ... something deeper and more lasting than anything this world can offer... Seriously. How I went from a year ago being in DC not being involved in any church life to today being united with these people and many more... it is really strange and miraculous if you think about it. And ultimately has little to do with me which makes its joy all the more important and shout-out-able. I don't know if you know what I'm getting at. There's a whole long story here that provides context. But if you're reading this, you probably know it.
If possible, stop long enough to admit that you are content today. Confess it and be free. And if you can't because it's not true... then you have even more reason to stop what you're doing.
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