Texas School Bans MySpaceHehehe.
It's just funny. Someone told me recently MySpace has only even existed 2 years. And now we're all addicted. Crazy.

I'm reading this awesome book called
The Rise of the Creative Class by a guy named Richard Florida. It is answering so many unformed questions I've had for a long time. I'll do a post about the book when I'm done or at least a few more chapters in. But suffice it to say that MySpace is a perfect fit in time and space for the market of people who need to be creative and align themselves with a very ecclectic array of interests, music, books, colors, fonts, graphics, and so on. We are post-work. (I love saying we are post-anything. Post-Christian. Post-modern. Post-cool is one of my personal favorites, because I think it's accurate. Well now I've gotten off topic and forgot where I was going with this whole thing. I'm post-thought.)
caved in and joined the MySpace thingy majig, too.
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