Monday, October 24, 2005

Thoughts flashing incoherently like primetime commercials

Yeah, so I changed the look a little. More green, less dark. We'll see how long this lasts. Hey, if anyone knows a site to get normal, yet creative blogskins, please lemme know!

I just returned from the North Carolina exploratory trip, as it's affectionately been called, and it was an awesome weekend. Julia, a friend of mine from college, and I went down there. I'll post photos here when she forwards them. I guess I was most content in the fact that everyone we spent time with, all our various friends, new and old, from different life connections, are amazing people, and.. yeah. It's all about the QT.* I am way excited about moving. Well, actually I have the whole array of mixed emotions that tend to visit someone preparing for a big life change.

My thoughts are scattered. I don't feel like I have a grasp on all that's going on...

She took the midnight train going anywhere... a lyric from a Journey song that entered one of my dreams the other night.

Aztec hot chocolate in our pantry, and is delicious, and left a thick syrup in the bottom of my mug.

My roommate is in Florida
...on an extremely random but exciting job interview.

...still cover my floor even though I meant to finish organizing by lunchtime.

Cold rain
...has been falling outside my window for hours.

Being busy
is overrated.

God and people are pretty much everything. Sleep is... a really good idea, if you couldn't already tell : ) But let me end with the lyrics of the song Sacred. I feel like a lot of my friends are under a lot of stress, a lot of pressure about one thing or another. And it hurts to watch because we're free! Free to fall down and get back up, even. Or free to not have to live out the worst case scenarios we love to think up. Free to have to rely on plan B, C, or D... and then later realize plan A was so not in the cards anyway. Anyway, hold onto what you know is sacred, because it is sacred, and you should not let anything rip it away from you. Trust yourself and give yourself more credit.

It's the cliche writing on the wall
Funny how it's been there all along
And all the while you've listened to anyone who had a point of view
On what you should do.

The liars in your head are growing loud
They say you're in too deep to turn back now
And answers seem so hard to find
You wonder if you still can change your mind.

There's something to be said for patience
So hold on to what you know is sacred
Don't let your only dream be taken
And cashed in for everything you've hated.

You have something there that can't be sold
A lifetime full of secrets to be told
And it is not too late to choose the narrow winding way
That few men do, so few men do.

Hold onto what you know is sacred...

*quality time


Hemant said...

This green one actually looks good I believe~
I am thinking of changing mine too ...

Jenny said...

thanks, man! YEah it's kinda nice to have a visual change. It's nice that it's relatively painless to change between the templates, too.