Monday, October 17, 2005


One of my pet peeves: People who talk on their cell phones while they are checking out at a store. Get off your freakin phone! There is a person there, a human being, and you need to quit blah-blahing and start interacting with them! Maybe they are having a horrible day and you are just one more implicit message screaming "you are not important to me. In fact I hardly even notice you standing there. You're almost invisible." I just stood behind a psycho woman like this at Target and I wanted to strangle her. (Not to go overboard or anything..)

Another thing that bothers me is people who have to have their latte in their hand during a worship service. What a yuppie. What a consumeristic little.. grrrrr!!!!! In my mind I see that picture on the one side, and on the other side I see a believer in China or in the Sudan who is so oppressed that they fear for their life, and their meetings are in secret, "underground." The contrast is so great that the one doesn't even seem worthy of the other.

However, I will admit on this point, that yesterday I did have a coffee in my hand while I was waiting to meet my friend and I would have taken in if it didn't say no drinks in the auditorium. lol So there are exceptions to these rules. But still !!!!!

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