Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Traveling to Kansas without a car

And now for the latest chapter in the broken car saga. So, the fuel pump went out (whatever that is. lol Ok i should not glorify my ignorance), and the cost including towing and all the rest was $840. Yes, you heard me right, eight hundred and forty. So that was kind of a bummer. The good thing is that I do actually have the funds to cover that, so I am sure it is a blessing in disguise, but uhh.. definitely could have thought of other things to spend the money on. Namely, I'm trying really hard to save money in the event that I change jobs in the near future and have an interim time of uncertainty. Of course I don't have to worry about it but yeah, just a bit of a bummer. I thought of a new, super-silver-lining way to look at it. Maybe the guys at the car shop were going through a difficult time and God used my broken car (and $ to fix it) to bring them out of that. Of course it's a well-established place so that's not exactly the case, but let it just go to show you that it's all good.

Anyway! So I went yesterday to pick up the car, and the guy brought it out, and it was still way broken! It still could not have made it to the end of the block. For the love!! After a needed display of unhappiness, they assured me that they'd take good care of me. Anyway I just talked to them five minutes ago and I think they have it figured out now and it won't cost me any more, so that's good news. Woohoo.

I am leaving on Thursday morning to meet my mom in Kansas! I'm flying into Kansas City, and she's picking me up and we're going to see older relatives in Topeka (the cradle, the crib, the crucible of my life!! my hometown, my history, my heritage). Actually she's driving down there today, let me give her a call on the road. [Hold on just a second, I'm dialing.] Yep she is in the Sioux Falls area. Go Mom, go Mom. Anyway I am really looking forward to a few days break there, although it will be my first time there since my Grandma died. :( I miss my Grandma, she was one funny and loving lady.

So, yeah, car being fixed, mini-vacation coming, all is well.

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