Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sleepy... very, very sleepy

I am so, so tired - I just want to fall asleep. ahhhhhh. What is with the work day? The 40 hour work week seems so arbitrary and artificial. If I can get my work done in 40 hours or 4, shouldn't I get to go home? My Dad was saying when you're salaried, they're not legally able to force you to work a certain number of hours. Well there are reasonable expectations probably, but yeah. I consider myself a very productive person (when I'm actually focused). I like to work hard for 2 hours and then play for 10. lol Anyway all this is to say I really, really want to take a nap. I would seriously leave if it weren't for this nonsense of having to be a boss and set a good example. Listen kids, it is not all it's cracked up to be! I am convinced college life is the ideal schedule and life. Although, you know, that's not true because then you always have projects hanging over your head. I am so tired that everything I say is going to be a bitter tirade against having to do anything so I'll stop for now.

So, I went to church with Liz on Sunday night, which was a first, and something very happy happened. The lady doing announcements at the end got proposed to! Very, very sweet. That's kind of cool to think that the perfect place for them to do it was in their church community. So yeahhhhhhh. It was funny how it happened because she was saying, do you ever wonder where you'd be without Christ in your life? She said I wouldn't be here at this church, I wouldn't be with Chris, etc. And I was like pssssssst Liz is that her husband or boyfriend over there? And she said boyfriend, and that he had moved to follow her when she got the job with the church. And I said why the heck don't they just get married. So it was pretty wild when seconds later he got up there with red roses and a tiny red box. It was like "yeah! that's right! That's what i THOUGHT!!" lol

One thing I was feeling quite convicted about Sunday night was "weird" people at church and how we treat people. It is so evil how I am tempted to make fun of my brothers and sisters, it really is. So I've been thinking about all these things in a new way - God is really starting some new life in my heart which is unsettling in the best of ways, it's like the beginning of coming hope/joy - and so I think I'm being given eyes to see people a little differently, a little more clearly. If the Church can't embrace the weird people, we are not the Church at all. I love that the Church embraces weird people like me. Thank God for that.

I do like something Rob Thomas said the other night. He said: There is no such thing as "cool." That's gone. There is only being you, being yourself.

I really agree. Cool is passé. There is no "coolness" standard by which to judge people except some external lie of a standard I might buy-into. Basically I am tired of judging and ready to start seeing people as the flesh-and-blood, funny, love-needing, fragile, fearful, growing, beloved people that they are. After all, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right?

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