Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Another tiredness rant

I am wicked, way, CRAZY tired. It didn't help that I both stayed up way too late, and had to take some drowsiness-inducing medicine this morning. Oh my gosh.

So, by the way, is this thing with Newsweek and the Koran a mess or what? It's really sad how misinformation led to so many deaths, but it's not the first time that's happened. Funny how Newsweek gets assaulted for their mistake (probably rightfully so) and other leading entities get away with misinformation that leads to death. Why the heck did we go into Iraq? Not only no nukes there, but no connection to 9/11. I'm of the presuasion that it's making us less safe, not more. I know everyone is now saying "but we would do the same thing again, given the same information, because look at the evil we stopped dead in its tracks - death chambers, mass graves, a politically silenced people, a socially repressed nation." Yes, but does that mean we'd be just as happy to attack North Korea? Iran? There's a lot of evil and oppression that needs some overthrowing, but I don't know that we're in a position to cross any sovereign borders we choose to free the people. It works in theory but in a fallen, confused, warring world, such actions only lead to more war and death. There is a time to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but via the world's strongest, unsurpassed (American) military? Come on. There' s a better way. Diplomacy has a role. How did I get on this topic? Geesh! :)

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