Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Furthermore (Abu Ghraib)

Furthermore, bad reporting is very serious, but bad behavior by Americans is even more serious. Newsweek should not be blamed for anti-Muslim, anti-foreigner, zealously-patriotic, unethical behavior. Maybe this story is untrue, maybe it was an exaggerated incident, but we are deceiving ourselves to think that Americans would never do something so evil as to desecrate Islam and scandalize its adherents. Two words: Abu Ghraib. I do not believe this was an isolated incident. If you want to read why Abu Ghraib is representative of many faces and places in our country (in our world, even), read this article: "Not Unfamiliar: Images of Sexual Abuse and Humiliation at Abu Ghraib." I need to warn you that this article is very graphic and very disturbing, but so is the entire porn industry which is consuming us person by person. If a culture not only allows but glorifies sodomy, abuse, physical/sexual humiliation, and other such things, they can only expect that it will be exported to other situations and countries. Such a creeping evil cannot be contained in the places where it is "fun" or "harmless."

I guess what I'm saying is that the media is framing the issue in a very strange way. Sure, Newsweek messed up, but they were right on the mark for reporting the unbelievable interrogation practices of the U.S., the mindset that abuse can be provocative and fun, the unspoken belief that we are "right" and our behavior is always justified because the end is just. A news story like this ought to help us look inward, rather than outwardly blaming. Are we fighting evil, or practicing and spreading it?

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