Thursday, June 08, 2006

Pray to St. Jude will ya?

Isn't St. Jude the guy you pray to for lost things like car keys and lost causes like people?

Because I lost my ipod.


I lost it at the gym, I think... left it on a treadmill. It's a brand new video ipod. Kinda makes me sick to think of how it's lost... I mean who cares right, but it still sucks quite a bit. My last bit of hope is that the gym is supposed to be reviewing their security video footage but the guy I asked about it is totally dragging his feet on it. My brother just gave me a pep talk about going in there tomorrow and demanding results from the manager.

Anyway I got that ipod for my birthday in February from my parents. The deal was that I would send my brother my super old ipod cause he didn't have one... the super old one was something my Dad won at this conference years and years ago. It was 2nd generation but it still works great.

Saaaaaaaaaad. Let's hope it is recovered. Working out definitely sucks without it, as well as driving for any substantial distance.

My digital camera just broke, too. Is God trying to rid me of technological idolatry or something? NOT COOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jude is the patron saint of lost causes. Hence St. Jude's hospital for terminally ill kids.