Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Exciting news

This is cool. I am going to brag for just a second.

The organization I work with drills community-sized water wells in Africa. The unique thing is that we set up an Africa-based company to do this. It not only creates jobs for Africans in addition to providing water, but it is set up as a business that can drill for profits and then take those private client profits and turn them back into ministry projects (serving the poorest of the poor). It's pretty dang cool.

Anyway, I just talked to my boss and he told me how much he appreciated me ("yay"), and said that two proposals I wrote were effective... one foundation is giving us $125,000 and another is giving us $200,000. The even cooler thing is that both of these are part of an equipment matching challenge that goes dollar for dollar. So this $325,000 will actually result in $650,000. All for huge drilling rigs and support trucks that make deep water wells in Africa. Sooooooo cool! Great news on this Thanksgiving...

Well, day before Thanksgiving. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is so great. I am with Amanda's family in Ohio, Micah is here too, and everyone else. It just feels so homey and happy. But now I do have to focus on work for a few hours before I lose ALL motivation this holiday weekend.

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