Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Eternal War

Everyone talks about how it important it is that we win the war on terror, or the war on terrorism.

But I just have a question: what will it look like when we have won the war on terror? What will we see and hear? How will we know when it's won? How will we know when it's no longer necessary to spend $100 billion per year on this? (We have just passed the half-trillion mark.)

This is part rhetorical question, and part sincere answer-seeking. I mean, what the heck are we looking for? A world where people who strongly dissent have no way to violently hurt or kill innocent people to make a political point? A world where nation-states are all democratic and pro-Western, refraining from harboring terrorists? English as a second language? McDonalds? I really don't know what the end goal is here.


Anonymous said...

Power, sister, power.

It was the same in the beginning.

Man wanted his own glory rather than to bear, convey, or reflect the glory of God.

"You can be like God...", he said.

Jenny said...

Well said.

I guess I am a classic idealist, always hoping we have more noble motives at the heart of our actions...or that we will eventually move beyond the power struggle. But you are right. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think that some do.

Those who are "yielded" (thats not my favorite term) to His power, have ceased to exist for their own.

Granted this may seem to be a constant battle, and in a way it is, unless you are walking in the Lords victory.

The battle is only one of belief or unbelief.

Thats what I believe anyway...and it certainly is true in my own life.

We give our love to you all up there in Raliegh!!!

NightComesOn said...

I can't say if power only exists for the purpose of attaining security, and that those who seek power are only trying to preserve their own well-beings.

But it seems fear and uncertainty are extremely powerful forces, aren't they? As long as America controls in some small way the direction in which the world should go, why should we not go for any ends to sustain our autonomy and influence?