Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What's true?

Two interesting things in my inbox today:

Urban Word of the Day

August 08, 2006:
Reality as decided on by majority rule.

Based off [wikipedia]'s 'majority rule' fact.
Featured on [The Colbert Report] July 31, 2006.

Wikiality refers to the changing of reality or truth via a Wikipedia-like system, allowing the public to change facts as long as there are others that agree.


The international news agency Reuters has withdrawn a photo of Beirut following an air attack after American bloggers pointed out "blatant evidence of manipulation." Reuters admitted that the photo had been doctored to make it appear that the city was more damaged than it actually was. You can click here to see the picture ...

I'm fascinated by all things related to citizen journalism, blogging, and the democratization of information... because it relates directly to truth, perceptions, and reality. I mean, isn't it crazy-interesting that truth is becoming such a fluid concept? Maybe it always has been. And do we need to protect it? Can we?

Maybe if I go to grad school someday I will study this. If I had to say what I'm most passionate about, it's probably helping people around the world have a better quality of life through art and technology. That's why I get as excited about people blogging their experience and interpretation of events as I do about kids doing competitive ballroom dancing or learning to play an instrument or sing. They're all vehicles to hope, I think, and there's real life along the way.

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