My parents gave me an ipod for my birthday, on the condition that I send my brother my extremely outdated ipod (2nd generation, according to Kyle who knows these things). Michael was thrilled to get it but connecting this antique to his computer was not simple. Back when they made that 2nd generation ipod, it was primarily for Macs and so connecting it to a PC is a huge pain in the a. So, for several weeks now, he has been taking the necessary steps to connect it to his computer and to his car stereo. Tonight, we had victory. For some reason he was really hyper and talking in an Indian accent (think quickie-mart) the whole time. I had him on speaker phone. I'm not sure if that was making his voice louder and inducing more of a headache in me, or if it was less harmful than having psychobrother in my ear. But I guess it was making it hard for him to hear cause he said "You have a deep voice. I can't understand you very well on this speaker phone." To which I said, "Shut up." To which he said, "You have a mannnnly voice." To which I laughed. And thought about strangling him. But fortunately for him, we are
1,549 miles apart. But actually I do wish I lived by him and Jess. And my parents. I'm not trying to get away from them being out here on the east coast... it's just the opportunities I've had by being willing to leave home. Originally the whole moving away from home thing was school and career oriented, and that's still part of it, but now it's about going where there is

All right, I admit there was no purpose to putting that photo there. I'm ashamed that I even spent time playing in Photoshop to produce it. HAH. No I'm not. In fact I will do a post on divine life soon (like I know so much about it, right...) and somehow the mountain goats will be integrated with that thought.
But back to my family, we have to stay close by talking on the phone a lot. But I do wish I could just hang out with my family whenever I felt like it...
ps. I am going to say the deep voice thing is related to extreme tiredness. Please tell me I do not have a manly voice!!! ahhh.
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