Not feeling totally inspired to write right now, yet a million and ten things are happening. I feel like I have one foot in DC and one foot in the future (maybe not "in NC" yet), so there seem to be potential or under-developed friendships everywhere, and really good (already grown lol) friendships too, and under-developed ideas and ideas that are growing like dandelions and spreading like wildfire and the like. I just... don't know where to start with all that's going on. Have you ever gotten a letter from a friend where they said some really good stuff, and maybe part of it was a deep encouragement to you, and you really wanted to reflect on it and read it a few times and really let it sink in? But you don't have time. So real things keep happening... real conversations, real .. things... and you never have the time to stop and just live life. But you are living life the whole time! Which is the sick and twisted part of it. Ohhh, time. You are too ceaseless. And yet you're NOT! You, my friends, have been taken on a stream of consciousness trip and I will try and get you off the train right about now...
Deep breath.
Today has been a good... no, great day. I really want to go for a walk tonight. The very first cool breezes are appearing so I'm in a state of pure euphoria.
My colleague had her last day yesterday, and to tell ya the truth, I'm really happy and doing a little better. I do like her as a person - I think we would have made great friends if we hadn't worked together - but as far as being her supervisor, I was sooo ready to be done with that. Anyway I feel kind of free again. Yes there's more work to do, but in my own timing (which is actually usually faster not slower, and later not earlier!), and on my own terms. Sweeeeeet.
My theory about myself is that everything I do comes from this really intense and core desire to be free. It explains almost everything I do, it seems. Sometimes with good effect and sometimes with bad, but... that's the thing, freedom in this world can't be understood as true freedom. So I think I get mixed up on that.
Okay, anyways, Susan just sent me Indelible Grace 2 which I am listening to and loving. Although I just heard a funny lyric in a hymn... it was... "For I envied the arrogant... they are free from my burdens." lol OK it's actually part of a psalm (73) but it's maybe a little pretentious. And a little honest. Half honest, half pretentious. lol
One I like though... from "Sometimes A Light Surprises":
Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings
It is the Lord who rises with healing in His wings
When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining to cheer it after rain
...Tomorrow can bring us nothing, but He will bear us through
Who gives the lilies clothing will clothe His people, too
Beneath the spreading heavens, no creature but is fed
And He who feeds the ravens
will give His children bread...