I have a new musical elixir! eastmountainsouth - two people who sing the most beautiful harmonies, the slowest, most thoughtful words... just, go listen to it ok?! It got me all the way to Carolina with a lot of peace, introspection, and joy.
as the music at the banquet
as the wine before the meal
as the firelight in the night
so are you to me
as the ruby in the setting
as the fruit upon the tree
as the wind blows over the plain
so are you to me
("so are you to me," eastmountainsouth)
Listen to it by clicking here.
In other news, I am so tired that I am almost sick. Ahh!! Please let me become some kind of animal that gets to hibernate! I feel like it's going to take approximately forever for me to recover from the last few days. Which I won't discuss here, now but sometime, soon. I'm not used to this "hold" where I simply am not able to process quickly but it's coming. I feel like someone pulled back a curtain and I saw a glimpse of something really beautiful. What that means, I'm not sure yet. One winter of sleep (or the equivalent - maybe a night or two of good rest? lol) and I'll be on my way to thinking clearly again. Whether that's good or bad, not too sure of that either!
I love you friends out there. I miss those of you I haven't seen for awhile. Life is so fragile. Hearts are so fragile... yet so resilient, too. I'm happy to be alive today. OK either the music or the tiredness is making me an emotional mess! Must... get... back to work. :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Worthy of my honest praise
You're calling me to lay aside the worries of my day
To quiet down my busy mind, and find a hiding place
Worthy, worthy...
Open up my heart and let my spirit worship Yours
Open up my mouth and let a song of praise come forth
Worthy, You are worthy...
Of a childlike faith
And of my honest praise
And of my unashamed love
Of a holy life
And of my sacrifice
And of my unashamed love.
(Ten Shekel Shirt, Unashamed Love)
To quiet down my busy mind, and find a hiding place
Worthy, worthy...
Open up my heart and let my spirit worship Yours
Open up my mouth and let a song of praise come forth
Worthy, You are worthy...
Of a childlike faith
And of my honest praise
And of my unashamed love
Of a holy life
And of my sacrifice
And of my unashamed love.
(Ten Shekel Shirt, Unashamed Love)
Thursday, May 19, 2005
American baby forever
Two new songs I really like on the radio: "Forever" by Veritical Horizon and "American Baby" by Dave Matthews. I hope you staaaaaay American baby, I hope you staaay beautiful baby. What that actually means I'm not sure, but that's what songs are for - making you wonder.
I love that stage with music when you first hear a new band or singer or get a new CD, and you are entranced and it brings you sheer delight as you listen to it over and over and over. I really, really love that stage. I am currently coming out of that stage with both Damien Rice and Rob Thomas - at least with their current CDs. So I am looking for the next new thing... aren't we always? Always craving newness, something novel, something that says what we hadn't quite found the words or the music to say yet. They say there's nothing new under the sun, but what about new ways to express it? After all, what is art if not this? And, come to think of it, aren't I something new under the sun? Has there ever been another me, or you? No, there hasn't. Being human seems to be about being something new under the sun. I'd like to talk this out with Solomon at some point.
In other news, I have a running partner now, named Rebecca, and we met tonight for the first time. Woohoo! We ran along the Potomac and it was beautiful - I can't believe it didn't rain because the clouds were very full and heavy. It is so much easier to run with someone else. You really get your mind off the hard work of moving and breathing. It's becoming easier for me, too. Training is amazing. I mean it actually works! I am shocked that I can do this. It is a very good feeling.
So, I'm about to go to Diana's parents' house to watch the finale of The Apprentice. Yes, I watch the Apprentice, which means I'm a greedy, money-loving, corporate-ladder-climbing yuppie with nothing better to do than drool when The Donald speaks business wisdom. Wait, no, that's not right - I just think it's fun. Also it appeals, I think, because I'm at a stage where it is not hard to relate to both the ambition and the creativity that it takes to play a game like the Apprentice. Sometimes I think I could do the tasks they are doing - well I'm sure I could. I'm sure most of my friends could. So there ya go.
Oh, we're going to her parents' cause our cable is down! Not like you asked, but I could see the question forming in your mind.
I love that stage with music when you first hear a new band or singer or get a new CD, and you are entranced and it brings you sheer delight as you listen to it over and over and over. I really, really love that stage. I am currently coming out of that stage with both Damien Rice and Rob Thomas - at least with their current CDs. So I am looking for the next new thing... aren't we always? Always craving newness, something novel, something that says what we hadn't quite found the words or the music to say yet. They say there's nothing new under the sun, but what about new ways to express it? After all, what is art if not this? And, come to think of it, aren't I something new under the sun? Has there ever been another me, or you? No, there hasn't. Being human seems to be about being something new under the sun. I'd like to talk this out with Solomon at some point.
In other news, I have a running partner now, named Rebecca, and we met tonight for the first time. Woohoo! We ran along the Potomac and it was beautiful - I can't believe it didn't rain because the clouds were very full and heavy. It is so much easier to run with someone else. You really get your mind off the hard work of moving and breathing. It's becoming easier for me, too. Training is amazing. I mean it actually works! I am shocked that I can do this. It is a very good feeling.
So, I'm about to go to Diana's parents' house to watch the finale of The Apprentice. Yes, I watch the Apprentice, which means I'm a greedy, money-loving, corporate-ladder-climbing yuppie with nothing better to do than drool when The Donald speaks business wisdom. Wait, no, that's not right - I just think it's fun. Also it appeals, I think, because I'm at a stage where it is not hard to relate to both the ambition and the creativity that it takes to play a game like the Apprentice. Sometimes I think I could do the tasks they are doing - well I'm sure I could. I'm sure most of my friends could. So there ya go.
Oh, we're going to her parents' cause our cable is down! Not like you asked, but I could see the question forming in your mind.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Gravity can be fun
Okay, there are a few air activities I'd like to do if, when finally presented with the opportunity, I can find the guts to do them. lol They are:
1. Paragliding (or handgliding? Not sure yet which one.)
2. Hot air balloon
3. Sky diving (with a friend, no leaving me alone with the parachute)
If anyone would like to do one of these, LESSGO! I think somewhere over Appalachia/Shenandoah would be the best.
1. Paragliding (or handgliding? Not sure yet which one.)
2. Hot air balloon
3. Sky diving (with a friend, no leaving me alone with the parachute)
If anyone would like to do one of these, LESSGO! I think somewhere over Appalachia/Shenandoah would be the best.
Did you know that the Greek word for decision is krisis? "kree-sis" Although it seems to have more of a judicial flavor to it than a lifetime-crossroads "crisis" meaning. Am I wrong? I have no idea if I'm interpreting this correctly. But I love etymology. Let's hear it for the history of words, yahoo!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Furthermore (Abu Ghraib)
Furthermore, bad reporting is very serious, but bad behavior by Americans is even more serious. Newsweek should not be blamed for anti-Muslim, anti-foreigner, zealously-patriotic, unethical behavior. Maybe this story is untrue, maybe it was an exaggerated incident, but we are deceiving ourselves to think that Americans would never do something so evil as to desecrate Islam and scandalize its adherents. Two words: Abu Ghraib. I do not believe this was an isolated incident. If you want to read why Abu Ghraib is representative of many faces and places in our country (in our world, even), read this article: "Not Unfamiliar: Images of Sexual Abuse and Humiliation at Abu Ghraib." I need to warn you that this article is very graphic and very disturbing, but so is the entire porn industry which is consuming us person by person. If a culture not only allows but glorifies sodomy, abuse, physical/sexual humiliation, and other such things, they can only expect that it will be exported to other situations and countries. Such a creeping evil cannot be contained in the places where it is "fun" or "harmless."
I guess what I'm saying is that the media is framing the issue in a very strange way. Sure, Newsweek messed up, but they were right on the mark for reporting the unbelievable interrogation practices of the U.S., the mindset that abuse can be provocative and fun, the unspoken belief that we are "right" and our behavior is always justified because the end is just. A news story like this ought to help us look inward, rather than outwardly blaming. Are we fighting evil, or practicing and spreading it?
I guess what I'm saying is that the media is framing the issue in a very strange way. Sure, Newsweek messed up, but they were right on the mark for reporting the unbelievable interrogation practices of the U.S., the mindset that abuse can be provocative and fun, the unspoken belief that we are "right" and our behavior is always justified because the end is just. A news story like this ought to help us look inward, rather than outwardly blaming. Are we fighting evil, or practicing and spreading it?
Another tiredness rant
I am wicked, way, CRAZY tired. It didn't help that I both stayed up way too late, and had to take some drowsiness-inducing medicine this morning. Oh my gosh.
So, by the way, is this thing with Newsweek and the Koran a mess or what? It's really sad how misinformation led to so many deaths, but it's not the first time that's happened. Funny how Newsweek gets assaulted for their mistake (probably rightfully so) and other leading entities get away with misinformation that leads to death. Why the heck did we go into Iraq? Not only no nukes there, but no connection to 9/11. I'm of the presuasion that it's making us less safe, not more. I know everyone is now saying "but we would do the same thing again, given the same information, because look at the evil we stopped dead in its tracks - death chambers, mass graves, a politically silenced people, a socially repressed nation." Yes, but does that mean we'd be just as happy to attack North Korea? Iran? There's a lot of evil and oppression that needs some overthrowing, but I don't know that we're in a position to cross any sovereign borders we choose to free the people. It works in theory but in a fallen, confused, warring world, such actions only lead to more war and death. There is a time to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but via the world's strongest, unsurpassed (American) military? Come on. There' s a better way. Diplomacy has a role. How did I get on this topic? Geesh! :)
So, by the way, is this thing with Newsweek and the Koran a mess or what? It's really sad how misinformation led to so many deaths, but it's not the first time that's happened. Funny how Newsweek gets assaulted for their mistake (probably rightfully so) and other leading entities get away with misinformation that leads to death. Why the heck did we go into Iraq? Not only no nukes there, but no connection to 9/11. I'm of the presuasion that it's making us less safe, not more. I know everyone is now saying "but we would do the same thing again, given the same information, because look at the evil we stopped dead in its tracks - death chambers, mass graves, a politically silenced people, a socially repressed nation." Yes, but does that mean we'd be just as happy to attack North Korea? Iran? There's a lot of evil and oppression that needs some overthrowing, but I don't know that we're in a position to cross any sovereign borders we choose to free the people. It works in theory but in a fallen, confused, warring world, such actions only lead to more war and death. There is a time to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but via the world's strongest, unsurpassed (American) military? Come on. There' s a better way. Diplomacy has a role. How did I get on this topic? Geesh! :)
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Reflections from a Casino
May 12, 2005 - Kansas City
No one needs a person to come in here and judge others. After all, what they do is one of those potentially addictive activities that is always counted a part of "sin lists" - well, the sin lists of those who devise such lists (people like Paul, and Focus on the Family). They may be right - I'm not really interested in whether gambling is a sin or not. I have my own views on these things, and nobody asked to hear them. But what does compel me to write is the people that are here. Ordinary people with everyday lives. I'm interested in who they are - the way their hearts look right now, the way their souls feel. What draws them here? Or is it that something "out there" repels or frightens them? What loneliness do they know - did they know it before walking in the doors of this grandiose casino, or was the loneliness forged and intensified here? What brokenheartedness or pain? More than these, maybe, what emptiness? If there is such a thing as the depth of emptiness, the total lack of feeling or meaning, then I speculate some here feel that painful depth. Is it like an abyss? I would venture to say it's more like numbness. When things - experiences, people, thoughts, feelings, dreams - lose their meaning somehow, it's not so much that you writhe in pain and need the bright casino lights and stress-inducing video game noises to help you through that. It's more like this is just... it. And that's it! It's that frighteningly simple: this is life. Now it may seem that I am reading more despair and desensitization into people's lives than really exists. But I know there are hundreds of cars in the parking lot, and it's midday on a Thursday. In fact, the parking capacity of this money palace is easily upwards of 5 to 10 thousand. There's no shortage of business. There's no entertainment that Americans will refuse - when they have the freedom of time and resources to indulge.
But is this it? God help us.
I'm not against entertainment, or even gambling. But I will rage against the numbing repetitive music and blindening lights. They're all artificial. Everything about this environment - manufactured, controlled, conditioned to set a stage. This is not real life. Souls, embodied, wander aimlessly. Hope presents itself, but a false hope. Not even a jackpot will give us what we need, not even what we want. It is simply to know and be known, to love and be loved. This place is nearly incapable of providing that. [I say nearly because sometimes elderly men help their wives sit down. Sometimes people smile and you know they're really smiling.]
Oh, that lost children would start thinking of home again. The memory is faint, but there's a lingering, barely-there familiarity, a likeness that tells us things could be different. Kindle our hope, oh Lord, and lead us all home to you. From our many, many places where we run to hide from loneliness, emptiness, numbness, fear - where we find that all these and even more darknesses intensified in our supposed refuge. You alone are our hope, our true refuge. You are not escape from life - you are vivid, loving, joyful life itself. You are it. And that is as frightening as it is relieving.
No one needs a person to come in here and judge others. After all, what they do is one of those potentially addictive activities that is always counted a part of "sin lists" - well, the sin lists of those who devise such lists (people like Paul, and Focus on the Family). They may be right - I'm not really interested in whether gambling is a sin or not. I have my own views on these things, and nobody asked to hear them. But what does compel me to write is the people that are here. Ordinary people with everyday lives. I'm interested in who they are - the way their hearts look right now, the way their souls feel. What draws them here? Or is it that something "out there" repels or frightens them? What loneliness do they know - did they know it before walking in the doors of this grandiose casino, or was the loneliness forged and intensified here? What brokenheartedness or pain? More than these, maybe, what emptiness? If there is such a thing as the depth of emptiness, the total lack of feeling or meaning, then I speculate some here feel that painful depth. Is it like an abyss? I would venture to say it's more like numbness. When things - experiences, people, thoughts, feelings, dreams - lose their meaning somehow, it's not so much that you writhe in pain and need the bright casino lights and stress-inducing video game noises to help you through that. It's more like this is just... it. And that's it! It's that frighteningly simple: this is life. Now it may seem that I am reading more despair and desensitization into people's lives than really exists. But I know there are hundreds of cars in the parking lot, and it's midday on a Thursday. In fact, the parking capacity of this money palace is easily upwards of 5 to 10 thousand. There's no shortage of business. There's no entertainment that Americans will refuse - when they have the freedom of time and resources to indulge.
But is this it? God help us.
I'm not against entertainment, or even gambling. But I will rage against the numbing repetitive music and blindening lights. They're all artificial. Everything about this environment - manufactured, controlled, conditioned to set a stage. This is not real life. Souls, embodied, wander aimlessly. Hope presents itself, but a false hope. Not even a jackpot will give us what we need, not even what we want. It is simply to know and be known, to love and be loved. This place is nearly incapable of providing that. [I say nearly because sometimes elderly men help their wives sit down. Sometimes people smile and you know they're really smiling.]
Oh, that lost children would start thinking of home again. The memory is faint, but there's a lingering, barely-there familiarity, a likeness that tells us things could be different. Kindle our hope, oh Lord, and lead us all home to you. From our many, many places where we run to hide from loneliness, emptiness, numbness, fear - where we find that all these and even more darknesses intensified in our supposed refuge. You alone are our hope, our true refuge. You are not escape from life - you are vivid, loving, joyful life itself. You are it. And that is as frightening as it is relieving.
Christ in corporate expression
I now understand what is meant when we say that the Church is Christ in corporate expression. This weekend, visiting family in Kansas, I kept thinking of someone who was missing: Grandma. She is someone who was once with us physically, but no longer is. She is someone who bound us together as a family - what we had in common was her - her life, her genes, her humor, her expressions, her love. She brought us all joy. There are signs - likenesses, really - of Grandma in each of us. Mom says some of the same things, Uncle Bud resembles her in some way, my great Aunt Liddy knew her nearly 90 years... Being together as a family, I don't see her, yet in a way I do see her! I kept seeing her face in my mind. All together we are her life, her character, the ones she built love and encouragement into. If you could be with us, you would know that we had been with her. We are Dorothy in corporate expression.
And ultimately, as Church, we are Christ in corporate expression. That is way more beautiful and understandable than I ever realized.
And ultimately, as Church, we are Christ in corporate expression. That is way more beautiful and understandable than I ever realized.
The Chronicles of Narnia
I can't wait for this to come out in December. Wait a few minutes for the trailer to load - it's worth it:
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
This cracks me up everytime I read it. What's so wrong with quoting Seal?
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Erin Elan"
To: ajennya@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: dc
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 10:08:55 -0700
who quotes seal????
>From: "Jenny F"
>To: "Erin Elan"
>Subject: RE: dc
>Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 12:48:30 -0400
>Okay well come stay with me [insert more email content not related to why I think this is funny.]
>But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy... In a
>world full of people, only some want to fly, isn't THAT crazy? -
>seal, "crazy"
From: "Erin Elan"
To: ajennya@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: dc
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 10:08:55 -0700
who quotes seal????
>From: "Jenny F"
>To: "Erin Elan"
>Subject: RE: dc
>Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 12:48:30 -0400
>Okay well come stay with me [insert more email content not related to why I think this is funny.]
>But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy... In a
>world full of people, only some want to fly, isn't THAT crazy? -
>seal, "crazy"
Traveling to Kansas without a car
And now for the latest chapter in the broken car saga. So, the fuel pump went out (whatever that is. lol Ok i should not glorify my ignorance), and the cost including towing and all the rest was $840. Yes, you heard me right, eight hundred and forty. So that was kind of a bummer. The good thing is that I do actually have the funds to cover that, so I am sure it is a blessing in disguise, but uhh.. definitely could have thought of other things to spend the money on. Namely, I'm trying really hard to save money in the event that I change jobs in the near future and have an interim time of uncertainty. Of course I don't have to worry about it but yeah, just a bit of a bummer. I thought of a new, super-silver-lining way to look at it. Maybe the guys at the car shop were going through a difficult time and God used my broken car (and $ to fix it) to bring them out of that. Of course it's a well-established place so that's not exactly the case, but let it just go to show you that it's all good.
Anyway! So I went yesterday to pick up the car, and the guy brought it out, and it was still way broken! It still could not have made it to the end of the block. For the love!! After a needed display of unhappiness, they assured me that they'd take good care of me. Anyway I just talked to them five minutes ago and I think they have it figured out now and it won't cost me any more, so that's good news. Woohoo.
I am leaving on Thursday morning to meet my mom in Kansas! I'm flying into Kansas City, and she's picking me up and we're going to see older relatives in Topeka (the cradle, the crib, the crucible of my life!! my hometown, my history, my heritage). Actually she's driving down there today, let me give her a call on the road. [Hold on just a second, I'm dialing.]Yep she is in the Sioux Falls area. Go Mom, go Mom. Anyway I am really looking forward to a few days break there, although it will be my first time there since my Grandma died. :( I miss my Grandma, she was one funny and loving lady.
So, yeah, car being fixed, mini-vacation coming, all is well.
Anyway! So I went yesterday to pick up the car, and the guy brought it out, and it was still way broken! It still could not have made it to the end of the block. For the love!! After a needed display of unhappiness, they assured me that they'd take good care of me. Anyway I just talked to them five minutes ago and I think they have it figured out now and it won't cost me any more, so that's good news. Woohoo.
I am leaving on Thursday morning to meet my mom in Kansas! I'm flying into Kansas City, and she's picking me up and we're going to see older relatives in Topeka (the cradle, the crib, the crucible of my life!! my hometown, my history, my heritage). Actually she's driving down there today, let me give her a call on the road. [Hold on just a second, I'm dialing.]
So, yeah, car being fixed, mini-vacation coming, all is well.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
My Car Broke Down
So, yeah, 7:45am on Saturday morning and I'm trying to book it over to my running thing that is only on Saturdays at 8am, and my car was not doing well. I have no idea what is wrong with it, but it was being very spastic, shaking, and sounding totally wrong. I called by parents, who I am sure were very happy to be woken up at 6:45am but what is a girl gonna do? Then, I tried to drive it and the engine stopped a half a block from home. GREAT! lol Wonderful! Oh well. I called a towing place and got a repair appointment. It is really not cool that I know nothing about cars. Now the tow truck should be here in an hour, and until then I'm like I actually wanted to do the training today. Oh well, things could be worse.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Friday and it's closing time
I love the feeling on Friday at 5pm. That will be in about one minute. Wait for it.... Wait for it... Ahhhhhhh! Yes. That's it :) lol
I have been working all afternoon on a dumb project that no one is helping me with. It's not a dumb project but no one is helping me with it. I've been avoiding it like mad. Thankfully it's almost done. I wish I could send the email off right now but there are like two questions waiting for resolution.
I'm about to go to a play and other fun stuff. I'm just glad it's Friday. I love free time. I really, really do. That would be a good topic to explore. Why do we love free time so much? Are we living over-scheduled lives? Do we have enough time and space to let down? Is this a right, a need, and/or a luxury? Hmm.
I have been working all afternoon on a dumb project that no one is helping me with. It's not a dumb project but no one is helping me with it. I've been avoiding it like mad. Thankfully it's almost done. I wish I could send the email off right now but there are like two questions waiting for resolution.
I'm about to go to a play and other fun stuff. I'm just glad it's Friday. I love free time. I really, really do. That would be a good topic to explore. Why do we love free time so much? Are we living over-scheduled lives? Do we have enough time and space to let down? Is this a right, a need, and/or a luxury? Hmm.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Whole foods are good for you
Okay so as you know, "you" ha, anyway, I have been very tired lately. I think it is due to my running program, because I have never been in a position of expending this much energy. So I emailed my coach Carla, who is great, to get it off my chest and say WAHHH I am so tired!
Which now I am glad I did, because she said "You need to revise your eating!" She sent me all these handouts. They are basic, healthy-eating guidelines but a good reminder. Since I haven't been tired like this before, I never realized that the quality of food really does matter. It's like... o what shall I compare it to... it's like having a British pound or a Mexican peso. They may look about the same size and seem pretty similar, but one is worth a lot more and will sustain you a lot longer! And so it is with food.
This, my friends, is why you should eat real, whole foods. Amen. :)
Which now I am glad I did, because she said "You need to revise your eating!" She sent me all these handouts. They are basic, healthy-eating guidelines but a good reminder. Since I haven't been tired like this before, I never realized that the quality of food really does matter. It's like... o what shall I compare it to... it's like having a British pound or a Mexican peso. They may look about the same size and seem pretty similar, but one is worth a lot more and will sustain you a lot longer! And so it is with food.
This, my friends, is why you should eat real, whole foods. Amen. :)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I hate confrontation! I just had 2 scary, confrontational phone calls. What is it that I hate about being forced to be so direct and honest with someone?
Yuck! Ahhh! Need to get over it!!
I also totally despise being taken advantage of in business matters, which I believe was happening in one of the instances. I can't figure out if it was sexism, ageism, or general lack of respect which leads to dishonesty, but it's even worse to have confrontation because someone has taken advantage of you.
Yuck! Ahhh! Need to get over it!!
I also totally despise being taken advantage of in business matters, which I believe was happening in one of the instances. I can't figure out if it was sexism, ageism, or general lack of respect which leads to dishonesty, but it's even worse to have confrontation because someone has taken advantage of you.
Sleepy... very, very sleepy
I am so, so tired - I just want to fall asleep. ahhhhhh. What is with the work day? The 40 hour work week seems so arbitrary and artificial. If I can get my work done in 40 hours or 4, shouldn't I get to go home? My Dad was saying when you're salaried, they're not legally able to force you to work a certain number of hours. Well there are reasonable expectations probably, but yeah. I consider myself a very productive person (when I'm actually focused). I like to work hard for 2 hours and then play for 10. lol Anyway all this is to say I really, really want to take a nap. I would seriously leave if it weren't for this nonsense of having to be a boss and set a good example. Listen kids, it is not all it's cracked up to be! I am convinced college life is the ideal schedule and life. Although, you know, that's not true because then you always have projects hanging over your head. I am so tired that everything I say is going to be a bitter tirade against having to do anything so I'll stop for now.
So, I went to church with Liz on Sunday night, which was a first, and something very happy happened. The lady doing announcements at the end got proposed to! Very, very sweet. That's kind of cool to think that the perfect place for them to do it was in their church community. So yeahhhhhhh. It was funny how it happened because she was saying, do you ever wonder where you'd be without Christ in your life? She said I wouldn't be here at this church, I wouldn't be with Chris, etc. And I was like pssssssst Liz is that her husband or boyfriend over there? And she said boyfriend, and that he had moved to follow her when she got the job with the church. And I said why the heck don't they just get married. So it was pretty wild when seconds later he got up there with red roses and a tiny red box. It was like "yeah! that's right! That's what i THOUGHT!!" lol
One thing I was feeling quite convicted about Sunday night was "weird" people at church and how we treat people. It is so evil how I am tempted to make fun of my brothers and sisters, it really is. So I've been thinking about all these things in a new way - God is really starting some new life in my heart which is unsettling in the best of ways, it's like the beginning of coming hope/joy - and so I think I'm being given eyes to see people a little differently, a little more clearly. If the Church can't embrace the weird people, we are not the Church at all. I love that the Church embraces weird people like me. Thank God for that.
I do like something Rob Thomas said the other night. He said: There is no such thing as "cool." That's gone. There is only being you, being yourself.
I really agree. Cool is passé. There is no "coolness" standard by which to judge people except some external lie of a standard I might buy-into. Basically I am tired of judging and ready to start seeing people as the flesh-and-blood, funny, love-needing, fragile, fearful, growing, beloved people that they are. After all, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right?
So, I went to church with Liz on Sunday night, which was a first, and something very happy happened. The lady doing announcements at the end got proposed to! Very, very sweet. That's kind of cool to think that the perfect place for them to do it was in their church community. So yeahhhhhhh. It was funny how it happened because she was saying, do you ever wonder where you'd be without Christ in your life? She said I wouldn't be here at this church, I wouldn't be with Chris, etc. And I was like pssssssst Liz is that her husband or boyfriend over there? And she said boyfriend, and that he had moved to follow her when she got the job with the church. And I said why the heck don't they just get married. So it was pretty wild when seconds later he got up there with red roses and a tiny red box. It was like "yeah! that's right! That's what i THOUGHT!!" lol
One thing I was feeling quite convicted about Sunday night was "weird" people at church and how we treat people. It is so evil how I am tempted to make fun of my brothers and sisters, it really is. So I've been thinking about all these things in a new way - God is really starting some new life in my heart which is unsettling in the best of ways, it's like the beginning of coming hope/joy - and so I think I'm being given eyes to see people a little differently, a little more clearly. If the Church can't embrace the weird people, we are not the Church at all. I love that the Church embraces weird people like me. Thank God for that.
I do like something Rob Thomas said the other night. He said: There is no such thing as "cool." That's gone. There is only being you, being yourself.
I really agree. Cool is passé. There is no "coolness" standard by which to judge people except some external lie of a standard I might buy-into. Basically I am tired of judging and ready to start seeing people as the flesh-and-blood, funny, love-needing, fragile, fearful, growing, beloved people that they are. After all, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right?
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Rob Thomas and a lot of colored lights
Last night Diana and I saw Rob Thomas at the 9:30 Club, which was our first time there. A little ghetto, yes, but I really loved the smallness of it.
We thought it was a great show. Top reasons identified were:
1. He can actually sing. Whoa! lol Very good voice and what I love is his intensity. I can pretty much get into anyone who's that intense with what they're doing.
2. The bright, colorful square lights. Very cool and mesmerizing. haha
3. The respectful way he treated his band, as they wrapped up their small venue tour and celebrated with champagne on-stage. It was definitely nice to see someone share the stage by honoring the band!
So it kinda looked like, this:

RT sings.
We thought it was a great show. Top reasons identified were:
1. He can actually sing. Whoa! lol Very good voice and what I love is his intensity. I can pretty much get into anyone who's that intense with what they're doing.
2. The bright, colorful square lights. Very cool and mesmerizing. haha
3. The respectful way he treated his band, as they wrapped up their small venue tour and celebrated with champagne on-stage. It was definitely nice to see someone share the stage by honoring the band!
So it kinda looked like, this:

RT sings.

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