Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Craig's list is a constant source of joy

Micah, I see why Wonkette has so much fun with Craig's List. This is a great one from the Raleigh site. Thank you, funny stranger, for making me laugh. (By the way, if you weren't sure, this is a personal ad from a man seeking a woman.)

The Da Vinci Code and other weird bibicial findings

You've read the book and seen the movie, frankly if Da Vinci had that much time on his hands more power to him but I'm aware the real secrets lie with the templar knights because I hold the family templar crest, it's basically bred into you like a cat is genetically bred to hunt so if you don't get that well maybe we'd have to discuss it. However that's not what I'm here to mention today, what I'm here for is to find a research assistant would jump down the quantum rabbit hole with me and turn this little reality on it's ear because I've recently discovered after watching several old trading spaces shows and extreme home make over that the anti christ could be ty pennington. Yes that's right hottie carpenter extrodinare could be the son of evil.

The evidence is he's wealthy, great looking, helps others less fortunate, can build anything, and can assemble the masses, and most of all is highly trusted. OMG does it get any clearer than that??? I'm certain that when he gets into policticing that he'll tray to build some dang temple and hey I'm not even going to get into the Red Bull theory because I'm not wishing to start a end of days frenzy here but I will say under that head of hair mr Ty sports is the numbers 666 and we're going to find it and expose him to the world for the evil that he is, you with me? drop a line and we can go over the details in my grem free self contained end of days secure storm shelter.

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