Thursday, October 05, 2006

100 Hours of Pure Joy: If the Democrats Win Congress Next Month

The two party leaders, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., are promoting a six-prong "New Direction for America" agenda -- their so-called "Six for '06."

Pelosi has also promised that within 100 hours after taking control of the House on January 3, Democrats will pass legislation to increase the minimum wage, mandate the negotiation of Medicare prescription drug prices, fully implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission, and repeal tax benefits for big oil companies.

And that would be only the start. Other Democrats -- especially prospective committee chairmen eager to gain, or regain, control of the gavels -- are bubbling over with possible initiatives across the public policy spectrum.

For instance, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., in line to chair the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, wants to push legislation to reduce greenhouse gases, while Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who may lead the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, is looking to cut interest rates on student loans. On the other side of the Capitol, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., the prospective House Ways and Means Committee chairman, wants a more bipartisan policy on international trade, including better protections for U.S. workers.

(From MSNBC at

I love all of these things! Let it be so!!!!!!!!!!! lol Seriously though. It would be like the end of the nightmare. I'm sorry to say something so pro-Dem but I just think all these things are very positive for our country and we are not doing so well right now. We need a change. Oh yeah, add to this list repealing the disgusting tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America. And giving funding back to programs like HeadStart. Or addressing the fact that the number of people living in poverty has increased every year, as well as the number (and proportion) of people without medical insurance. But I digress...

Well whatever you think... even if you totally disagree with me... (I can't believe I'm saying this to those of you.. haha).. but vote in November.


Micah Mayo said...

I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but these laws passed would be nothing more than a symbolic gesture as long as our friend George is in the whitehouse(i.e., VETO).

Regardless, it does look as if the Democrats will be taking back the Congress in November, but famous last words you know.. This is a Good Thing(tm). At least I think and hope it is. Steadier hands at the helm of the Empire, you know? It's kind of like having Darth Vader run things instead of Emperor Palpatine.. there's still good him somewhere.. maybe.

If the current trends continue, it looks like their victory may be more like a bloodbath with possibly fifty or more seats changing hands. This I think is sad, because it took some guy in Florida sending dirty IMs to a 16 year old for this to happen. Not an incompitent president, not the highjacking of our rights via the Patriot Act. Not a grand conspiracy to Americanize the middle east through military invasion via the PNAC. Not two failed wars. Not nuclear tensions in North Korea and Iran, no.. none of these things really concerned Us, the American People. It was dirty e-mails. Sheesh. That makes me so sad.

So anyways. I think we should have a party on Election night with plenty of booze. If the Dems win I wanna watch Fox! I wanna see the look on their faces!

Much Love.

Jenny said...

haha. Did I tell you I love you Micah?

I agree with everything you said. THank you for putting things in perspective for me. I guess I was just being idealistic that the ever-so-slightly-less-evil people could override the veto from the president of the party of somewhat-evil-people. haha

I most heartily agree with the drunken Fox news party. Can't wait to have you in Raleigh.

Micah Mayo said...

Hey! Idealism is a trait you want to guard.. idealism is where the absurd and wonderful ideas of the left come from. Ideas that we aren't just slaves to these "invisible market forces" and that we can, collectively make things better. That doing what's best for ME is not neccesarily what's best for me.. and you and everyone else out there. I don't like being a a cynic.. well.. sometimes I don't.. don't become cold and bitter like me. :)