Thursday, September 07, 2006

Do you like Target or Walmart?

Target as Bad as Walmart? You Decide
by Kari Lyderson

Interesting article... it's hard to make any certain conclusions from it, but really - why do we view Target with so much more respect than Walmart? Is it all image, or are they really doing some things better? The final paragraphs about other retail stores paying a living wage is interesting.

In some ways, I am almost glad that they don't pay a CRAZY-good hourly rate, because it would make them less competitive and eventually, the only choice we would have is Walmart. Does that make sense? The biggest problem with doing business ethically and in a socially responsible way is that it will cripple competitiveness, and eventually your company won't even be around to offer that slightly better alternative! It's a true dilemma.

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