Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Poverty, Slavery, y mas

Yesterday, I went to a Poverty Center event at UNC. Yes, that means my boy Silky Pony was there!!! (FYI, Silky Pony is the derogatory name for John Edwards, but I absolutely love John Edwards and he could indeed be described as a silky pony - a pretty face - so I co-opted the evil nickname for good purposes!) Anyway, Silky Pony was there as well as speakers from places that care about health care in America - a local free clinic, Georgetown's Public Policy center, and a non-profit called America's Health Together.

The downside was not being able to talk about anything substantively in the 60 minutes provided (short!). The upside was how many people came out for the panel discussion, and how it reminded me personally that this is a huge issue for America. We have such an incredibly patchwork "solution" to health care access in America. The private response is very patchwork (employer-based, with many employers providing little or no healthcare coverage) and the public response is patchy as well (with Medicaid, Medicare, and SCHIPS not covering everyone who needs it). I would love for good elected minds to get together and solve this. It's one priority for me when it comes to voting, anyway. One way to start caring about this is to rent the movie John Q. Another way is to talk with one of the 48 million Americans who have no coverage. :( Scary.

Okay, I am done, but for those of you who came along with me this far, I have a prize for you. I am working on campaign to sustain our anti-trafficking programs in West Africa. I made this today logo for it today... whatcha think?

Woops! Forgot about my laundry... :) See ya later.

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