Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Grace, apparently

Everything is going so well lately... I'm kind of in a state of grateful shock. I was able to make an amazing, amazing connection with a local business bureau (yes I said amazing twice). I didn't even know the sort of deal I made with them was possible to be made! And, coming back from that meeting feeling very happy (as my Dad said, "Wow! What a cash-cow that was." hahaha)... I got this call from a guy who I cold-called over 2 weeks ago. It was weird that he returned my call at all (since I am a total stranger to him), and weird that he did it after two weeks, and weirder still that he did it purely to help me out. It turns out we are in exact the same career situation (our lives would be somewhat identical if I were 15 years older! kinda). All he did was talk to me for an hour giving me idea after idea. I just mean this guy was exceptionally helpful and gave me lots of leads. How is everything working out so well?! It makes me want to say to everyone, follow your heart! This crazy constant shower of blessing seems to be happening to me ever since I have done exactly what I most wanted to do. I know it's not always going to be sunshine and smiles, but seriously, there is some crazy freedom-loving type karma blessing joyful serendipitous wild thing going on.

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