Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Of he that is Kyle.

So, have I ever told you I have this friend named Kyle? I’ve known him like 6 years now, which is pretty crazy. He is my favorite person to talk to online. It’s somewhere between cool and scary when I think of how many hundreds of hours we have spent conversing.

Some of kyle’s favorite sayings:
1. Indeed.
2. OMG.
3. Ha.
4. frlol (the newest acronym taking the cyber world by storm)
5. (I only could think of 4. Sorry. Not even an even number like 5. Which isn’t actually even, coincidentally.)

He is opening his own consulting business, which I can’t explain very well… but if you need some consulting or training or publishing or something of the like, you can contact him at this email address.

I guess my favorite thing about Kyle is that he’s fairly unpredictable and he’s unlike anyone else I know. He’s definitely not like most guys I know. Not like most girls either. lol Yet he IS indeed a guy! Let there be no confusion. No but really, he makes me laugh,

If anyone else would feel more loved if I would do a post solely about them, just let me know and I will hook you up. I will link to your pages, post embarrassing pictures of you, sing your praises, anything you would like… because you’re my friend and I love you. But Kyle should feel the most special cause he is the first person I’ve ever done this for. And it’s not too long of a post – just a quickie! ;-) lol

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