Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lowly of heart

So, I was walking on Capitol Hill yesterday where I used to live, and saw an Episcopal church. I like Episcopal churches, I really do, but this one is a weird one. My friends could tell you stories. lol Anyway, their sign says what time the low mass is at, and what time high mass is at.

Now, my only question is this: aren't we pretty confident Jesus was a low mass kinda guy? I could be wrong. I could be missing something, and I am sure I am stepping on toes and everything. But why do we have a high mass if Jesus wouldn't be caught dead at it? I'm just saying. I even like reverence and all the rest, I really do. I think Jesus-is-my-best-friend can be trivializing and flippant. But Jesus was real with us, so let's be real with him. Come on.

I also don't get why someone just offered me box seats at the MCI Center tomorrow night to see Joel Osteen. A pastor. I just don't GET Christians treating pastors like celebrities. I just don't get it. I'm sure I'm being hypocritical on some level... I am a believer and I do lots of things other believers wouldn't GET, but I'm just commenting on things as I see them... craziness. Something is fundamentally not right about all of this. It does not sit well with me. I'm trying not to judge. I just observe and hopefully this stuff causes me to make other choices in my life.

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