Thursday, April 28, 2005

Shouldn't be posting...

I so shouldn't be posting right now. I'm on a cross-country conference call for work. In fact, cross-continent because I just connected our guy from Monrovia, Liberia into the call, too. Although he is being really quiet so I keep thinking we lost him! Anyway I'm not expected to say much and know the agenda inside and out (more or less, lol), so hopefully it' s okay that I mentally check out for a minute!

So, Mike said I shouldn't stop blogging so here I am. Mike is this guy who lives in Atlanta and is a part of a house church community. I am someone who randomly (mind you, "randomly") came across his website and am now way too excited about the whole possibility in being involved in starting a house church community in Durham, North Carolina. If you want to learn more about it, click on over to this site:

In a way, I totally believe in randomness and chance, and yet I believe God takes every one of those chance happenstance type crazy things and makes them good and even crazier by co-opting them into His plan. Is this good theology? Uhh. This may be unorthodox but oh well. I guess if I am willing to admit that He takes each free choice and wild circumstance and makes them His, then they might have been His - from Him - from the beginning.

But anyway, there's been a lot of randomness with the quotes in my life in the last five or ten years. I became a believer in Jesus through a friend I met on a "random" message board about rap music. [It led to a friendship, and a community, and a life-changing experience.] I joined a small, loving church in northern Minnesota through a "random" ad in a phone book. [I didn't know a single soul there, and went alone. My parents joined a couple years later.] I went to a college that I had only heard about through a "random" t-shirt that a girl I knew was wearing. [She hadn't even gone to that college, but it led to a great not to mention fun college experience.] Anyway I feel like I am saying it's all about me, and that's not the case - I just feel really loved and guided, even. It's crazy. God is good. He looks out for us. In fact, he looks into us (our hearts). In fact, He lives within us. Ahh! He is alive.

So, all this is to say, when something seems especially random and yet exceptionally good, I've been taught by experience to embrace it pretty quickly! It is freeing to live that way. It's almost foolish to live any other way.


Kyle W. said...

don't forget, you met me randomly in a christian chat room, and it was me who convinced you to go to wheaton.

how quickly you forget...

Jenny said...

I didn't forget how I met you! I may have forgot the convincing part though. Is that really how it happened? Wow, I can't believe I took your advice. haha j/k

Klem said...

Hey girl, you're really wierd, believing all that god stuff, Think about it, then put your energy into Real Social Service, you may find that it gives you Real Satisfaction. come down out of the clouds. Life is real, life is earnest!

Kyle W. said...

so, i don't know who this klem person is, but i think he's silly. i, too, have been noticing how my life has been dramatically influenced by "random" events. and there's only one explanation for me...

Kyle W. said...

oh, and what i was actually going to say.
um, yeah... oh with the convincing.
you were unsure about which college you should go to. and i said, "WHEATON, WHEATON!!!" as i was wearing my wheaton hat, my wheaton shirt, my wheaton boxers, and my wheaton colored shoes... yeah, i'm a freak.

Jenny said...

Okay, that does it! I have to close down the blog, IT'S OVER!! lol I can't take criticism, especially from people who don't know me from Adam! Eve! whatever.

No I'm kidding, partly, but that's an odd comment. Especially, like I said, since I don't know you.

Kyle the wheaton thing is out of control. That's so funny.