Sunday, July 02, 2006

A song for the church

Yesterday I went down by the Neuse River waterfall for the first time. It's really not that pretty. lol Especially because it's all flooded, muddy, and bug-infested right now. But it's a little secluded so that was perfect. I needed some quiet time, and ended up sort of... writing a first song.

Now I don't think this is that great, but I'm not trying to judge it as good or bad. It's just born out of a feeling that I've been away from God, but coming back is immediate. (In fact I think all of us in Raleigh have felt that way, at least from conversations I've had.) It's funny to feel distant from the Lord, and yet you call on Him and it's like.. you're lying in bed with a lover you forgot was there, you know? He never left, he is that close. And the whole concept of waiting on Him has always been a paradox for me. Waiting is not ceasing movement. So, here, without the melody that's in my head, is my heart:


You're always waiting on us
With a quiet belief
That those who find their life in You
Will return in heart and let their wandering cease

You wait for endless days
You make your welcoming love known
And though we feel so desperate, lost, and confused
Your presence makes sure we are never alone

So, Lord, we wait on You
As you have asked us to do
Come fill our souls with love, peace, and calm
Fill us, Lord, with nothing less than You.

And as your broken child returned
Weary and longing for home
You ran to meet him on that long road
For you, Lord, waiting is running to your own

So, Lord, we run to You
As you have asked us to do
Come fill our souls with love, peace, and calm
Fill us, Lord, with nothing less than You.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I can with God and believe begin simply understand nothing. I can't understand the people, who believe to a Nobody. why these people not believe first once at itself??? who this believe abandons, believes in around rather something, is lost delete live become would ground kill wished for believe is me what not is there, for me. religion kills life. I believe in me all the time. that's no egoism. No God helps us, gives predetermines, because it's not existent. everything what we do, we do persons out of owner on the basis of our own considerations. lets you do nothing show. Us helps no religion, if it us badly goes. helps ourselves you themselves - that is would strengthen true!

Jenny said...

Okay, but why do I feel like this was cut and pasted from an online translator?

I am quite glad to hear my blog is being read on various continents though. hehe sorry :)