Wednesday, March 02, 2005

baby 81 has a name: HOPE

I am so fascinated by the story of Baby 81. You know it, right? During the tsunami in Sri Lanka, a baby boy was torn away from his mother's arms by violent waves. When the child was found lying by himself, it was not certain who the parents were. Throngs of moms and dads came, all professing that Baby 81 was their own flesh and blood. (He was called 81 because the he was the 81st patient of the day admitted to a particular hospital in Sri Lanka.)

Some news coverage, suspense, and a DNA test later - Murugupillai and Jenita were finally given back their son. Tears of relief, maybe, tears of peace and reunion. But not really tears of joy - they could not rejoice as everyone around them continued to grieve their lost children, parents, family, and friends. And now the world's most famous baby has come to the USA:

Baby 81 Comes to America

But I love what his mother said - quit calling him Baby 81!! Well, not in so many words. She said the name "Baby 81" is associated with sadness and worry.

His name is Abilass.

His name means hope and joy.

Names mean much more than we realize.

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